Wednesday, October 12, 2022

5 Ways to Make Money with Cross Stitch

Make Money with Cross Stitch

If you are looking for a way to make money using your favorite hobby, these five ways may be something you are interested in.

1. Sell Your Completed Pieces

You can sell your completed pieces on Ebay, Etsy, your own website or by starting a Facebook page. Keep in mind there are some designers that do not allow you to sell completed Cross Stitch and you will need to contact the designer or publisher just to make sure that you have permission.

When listing your item for sale, you want to include information such as the size of the design area, the stitch count, the type of fabric it is stitched on, how many hours it took to stitch, the designer/publisher, if the item will be framed, washed, ironed and how it will be shipped.

2. Cross Stitch for Commissions

You can charge for your time by cents per stitch or per hour. You can have the customer purchase the supplies or charge extra for the cost of supplies. By setting up your own website or Facebook page, you can offer your services to family, friends and new customers. If you decide to offer commission based services, I would recommend getting at least half of your fee up front.

3. Start a Cross Stitch Supplies Business

There are a few ways to do this. You can shop sales online, local garage sales, thrift stores or purchase supplies wholesale. Check out your local Facebook Marketplace for Cross Stitch items. Garage sales and thrift stores are also a good way to find items. There are also many online designers and companies that offer cross stitch items at wholesale prices to resale.

Setting up a website or Facebook page is a good way to offer your supplies or you can sell them directly on Etsy or Ebay.

4. Start a Blog.

You can start a blog where you share your favorite designers, Cross Stitch tips or projects you are working on. Add affiliate links to your blog to earn commissions from places such as Etsy, Amazon or Shareasale. You can do this by promoting individual products, banner ads or text links to products you have used.

5. Design and Sale Your Own Patterns

There are a few companies that offer software to design your own patterns that you can then sell online. Once you've designed a pattern, you can offer it on Etsy or your own website for instant download. This is a good way to make money because you create the pattern, save it, upload it, list it and it will be there for purchase over and over again.

If you decide to create and sell your own patterns, I would recommend to do a bit of research to see what information you need to include in your listings.

If you have any ideas on how to make money with Cross Stitch, I would love for you to share them in the comment section.

Happy Stitching!

5 Ways to Make Money with Cross Stitch

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